do i love th’ art for i love the Artist?
or love the Artist for i love the art?
indeed, they are the same. would that i were
His muse, for then we should be as one flesh;
while in His own eyes myself reflected,
an expression of Himself within me.
yet, should i conflate muse and love as such?
do not they coincide? if He love me,
He should use me; and if He use me (oh!
let Him use me!), surely too He loves me.
still, am i merely muse, and nothing more?
an object to be painted? oh, villain.
your reflection was just that: your own face
staring back at you.
(Exit all but Him).
Listen to Jared AcAnemy read Love, Art, and…:
Jared McAnany is a first-year student majoring in English and mathematics. He has been writing fiction and non-fiction most of his life. He also writes a lot of poetry.