By Caitlin Burns

i felt the air prick at my skin,
not in a cold kind of way,
and all i could think
was that you’re not supposed to be able to feel the air
but i could,
like a thousand knives touching me at once.
it wasn’t a stabbing pain though,
just a light touch, or a prick.
a simple ache
that did nothing
but remind me
that i wasn’t happy.
i wasn’t happy with life
so, i looked at the fading sky
and tried to figure out where it all went wrong
and if there was any possibility
of fixing myself.

Caitlin Burns is a junior at University Park studying English and is from Scranton, PA. She enjoys writing poetry and fiction in her spare time, as well as reading when she’s done homework. Caitlin enjoys spending time with her nephew, having game nights, and painting, even if she’s not very good at it!