“Moonlight” is a short film by Nathan Tam. About the film’s origins and creation, Tam notes: “This film was made as a project for a class called Creativity (INART 197Q/SC 197Q), and it was created to satisfy a prompt discussing the concepts of mutation and adaptation in creativity. As a classical musician and a composer/arranger, I decided to adapt the first movement of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, originally written for solo piano, for full symphonic orchestra. To incorporate an element of mutation, I altered the dynamic structure to match the phases of the moon. To accomplish this, I featured solo instruments in the beginning and ending of the piece and gradually built to a full orchestra climax in the middle. To enhance the mutation of the piece, I set the music to a time-lapse of the moon going through all of its stages. The arrangement was created in Studio One and used Spitfire Audio’s BBC Symphony Orchestra Professional sound library.”
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Nathan Tam is a first-year student at Penn State Berks majoring in Biomedical Engineering with plans to minor in Music Performance and Applied Math. As a pianist, violinist, and violist, music has been a huge part of Nathan’s life for the last 14 years. Nathan plans on pursuing neuroscience, and hopes to study how music and art impact us physically and emotionally through the study of the brain.