“SLIME” is a short film by Kameron Skrobacz, who says this about his creation: “I decided to make the film because I had what I thought was a good idea, and that spiraled into the piece you see before you. It was an overall good time, and for now that is all the reason I need to make short films and the like. The film is about a man who has killed a woman and decides while the police take their time that he will make his favorite drink/slurry. He then mixes a concoction of inedible substances together with glee and gargles them down into the recesses of his husk.”
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Kameron Skrobacz is a second-year film production major who grew up around the Pittsburgh area. Kameron has always loved film and enjoys watching films. Kameron likes the way softly melted ice cream tastes and has been known to enjoy having a bit of fun here and there. Kameron lives life rather uncomfortably, but finds solace in the little things.