Book Review: Here, Bullet

Book Review: Here, Bullet

By Amy Le ~ With the trees losing their colorful leaves to the cool winds of autumn, do you find yourself struggling to find the right book fitting for this atmosphere? When I think of autumn, I think of the closing of a year. I begin to reflect on what 2017 has...
ASC’s Taming of the Shrew Comes to PSU

ASC’s Taming of the Shrew Comes to PSU

By Sarah Swinderman ~ On November 1st, Eisenhower Auditorium welcomed the American Shakespeare Center, and their performance of The Taming of the Shrew.  The ASC is based in Staunton, Virginia, in the Blackfriars Playhouse, which is the only recreation of...
Borderline: The Film That Goes Beyond The Screen

Borderline: The Film That Goes Beyond The Screen

By Ellery Capshaw ~ Borderline, an independent film that follows a woman with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), has been played across the country in many film festivals and other locations since its release in April 2016. And lucky for Penn State University Park...
Tristan Yochum: Kil’n It Since 2012

Tristan Yochum: Kil’n It Since 2012

By Sarah Nields ~ Remember scheduling classes for your first day of high school? How you tried to fill your day only with the classes you needed, and yet somehow, you found yourself filling that awkward hole in your schedule where just none of your practical classes...
Emma Clement: Engineer & Artist

Emma Clement: Engineer & Artist

By Samantha Kang ~  Emma Clement, currently a senior studying civil and environmental engineering, is passionate about helping the environment. She is doing undergrad research in environmental engineering, is in the Society of Women Engineers, volunteers with Girl...