Until Death Do Us Part ~ Alise Deveney

Vern was allergic to peanuts, but she pretended not to remember that when she purchased the Skippy from the supermarket earlier that morning. Rhonda spread a thick layer of peanut butter onto the sandwich. Not thick enough that Vern would notice it, of course. Rhonda...

Silicon Soul ~ Sean Semanko

The thunderous rumble of the deep piano notes of Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” shook the car as I drove down the sweeping roads of the hilly Los Angeles area. This night was a night of classical music. My wife Eve, a professional pianist, was going to be playing in...

Sallow ~ Kacie Lee

The wallpaper peeled off the walls and fell in small white flakes to the floor. Floorboards creaked and were starting to split from age. The windows were tall and open, framed by eroding wood, and I lay there under one. I shrunk away from the light, from the sunlight...

Ambivalence of Light ~ Kacie Lee

“All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.”                                           -Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast   The heat cast a low glow, but it couldn’t last long. Soft skin was seen and then unseen as...

Deb’s Diner ~ Chloe Cullen

Two sparse forests thin enough to see a neighboring highway twisted along either side of Deb’s Diner. The constant exhaust emissions added additional walls to the natural seclusion the broccoli-like trees created, making Deb’s invisible even with a head-on view. Cars...

Citronella Candles: Life After a Wake ~ Will Carpenter

“Sleep is for the dead.” He said that; no bullshit. He said it only hours before; I was there. It was a common phrase, of course, and all the more common in his vicinity. Tony had been up for about 30 hours, studying—grinding, as he put it—all Vyvanse and business...