MARYAM ~ Elham Hajesmaeili

MARYAM ~ Elham Hajesmaeili

Elham Hajesmaeili is an artist-researcher and art educator who holds an MFA in painting and drawing from Penn State University. Her art focuses on identity issues for women post-migration. Currently, Elham is a Dual-titled Ph.D. candidate in Art Education and WGSS at...

“Ville de l’amour” ~ Colby Kloehr

Editor’s Note This poem was submitted in response to our 2023 translation initiative.  “Ville de l’amour” Mais le prêteur sur gages près de la Tour Eiffel est toujours en activité Florissant. “City of love” but the pawn shop near...

To Live In The Borderlands ~ Clio Roker

“To live in the borderlands means you are neither hispana india negra espanola, ni gabacha, eres mestiza, mulata, half-breed, caught in the crossfire between camps, while carrying all five races on your back, not knowing which side to turn to, run from…” – Gloria...

Drinking Rain ~ Sofia Rosenbaum

The water wells over And makes a mess I get soaked all over, And I mean All over Every layer of clothes and skin – My dress, my neck, my nail-beds – Are kissed by little droplets, and The world smells like moss And peaches And a campfire.   Mom yells at me to...
aberration, glitch, bloom, pinch ~ Lelaina Scott

aberration, glitch, bloom, pinch ~ Lelaina Scott

Lelaina Scott is an artist and full time student working towards her Bachelor’s Degree in VisualArts and Music Studies from the Pennsylvania State University. After being thrown into theunknown with the rest of the world in 2020, she found her passion for painting...